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Hiker’s South West Coast Path Resource Page

There are several layers on the map which can be turned on/off allowing user to manage what is displayed on the map. The layers are colour coded with corresponding icons:

  • ROUTE: Click for current Route Changes

  • ALTERNATES: Alternate sections

  • WATER CROSSINGS: Tidal bridges & ferries

  • 52 DAY ITINERARY: based on SWCPA guide book

  • CAMPSITES: hiker friendly, usually accept walk-ins, allow a single night only

  • FOOD GROCERIES: cafes, chippies, restaurants & pubs, supermarkets, service stations & outdoor shops

  • TOILETS & WATER: public toilets, free tap water (use Refill app for free water)

  • PASSPORT STAMPS: locations where The Coast Path Passport can be stamped

What are map layers and how to use them?
If you have any updates, corrections, recommendations for the map, please get in touch.
If you enjoy the South West Coast Path, consider joining the SWPC Association who work hard to make the path accessible for everyone. 

01/52 Porlock Weir 9/9
01/52 = day / out of 52 itinerary
Porlock Weir = destination of the day
9/9 = daily mileage / accumulative mileage

Change log
27/07/2023: Added 2023 prices for campsites collected from SWCP FB group.
05/02/2023: Updated Toilets & Water layer.
28/01/2023: Merged Food & Groceries layers. Updated campsites layer. Updated Toilets layer.

May contain inaccurate data. Use at your own risk. I take no responsibility for issues arising from using this map. This is an unlisted map for private and non-commercial use only.

SWCP posts